Saturday, June 16, 2012

Dreaming.... One Shade of Hannah lifted!

Scared of the unknown...but pretending that commitment is not a factor at all.  hmmm commitment is nothing bad it just seemed like that to me.

Seemed like I was submitting to something that well,  I thought I would never live up to! 

Intertwining of the body, torso to torso..  A thrust up and down numerous amounts of time. A sigh let out.  then I reach for my wine and I collect my thoughts....only after a couple more sips did I realize that my mind is letting me know the one thing I feared was the one thing that held my mind captive. Now that is all I want... To let my body be captivated by the one thing that  felt so wrong... but feels sooo good!! hmmmm, never keep yourself a secret keep on finding you and pulling back one shade at a time..



  1. Always amazing when we realize that the thing we fear is actually the thing we love.


  2. WOW Jay you said it all in that one little sentence!! I Love you!

  3. What should I say ...
    Love you ..

  4. Someone's been reading "50 Shades..." (of Grey OR Jay lol!). Steamy.
    I'm a big commitment phobe. He had to step on my foot throughout the marriage vows or I would've run!

  5. I have read it and I love it Jo!! Simply LOVE IT IT! A little too much!


Another Bottle Added To My Shelf